Fully-Managed Recovery for Identity Theft victims is the most important feature a provider can offer.  BUT, all “fully managed/full Service” recovery programs are not the same.  There is no defined standard of service when using these terms, so it is crucial to understand what an excellent full-service provider does.

Imagine the anxiety of having your identity stolen, or you may know firsthand.  The ability to turn to an expert who helps people every day is incredibly comforting.  Without that place to turn, many wander looking for solutions to get their identity back.  Few are successful, many do what they can but don’t know everything they must do.  And to top it off, all of us who have been victims are more susceptible to having our identity stolen again.

So if we are serious about ensuring our recovery, we need to have the best resources to make that happen.

A well-developed, fully managed recovery service lays out a path to recovery.

Here is what a good program looks like

A good program includes Multi-Generation, fully-managed recovery for identity theft victims. You receive 24/7/365 support and access to a Recovery Advocate. You are covered regardless of the type of identity fraud, including but not limited to medical, financial, criminal, and acts of terrorism. Fully managed recovery provides you with peace of mind knowing, you will have access to a dedicated, certified Recovery Advocate. Your advocate will work on your behalf, performing all tasks necessary to restore your identity, through the use of a limited power of attorney. This work includes completing and filing forms, conducting research, contacting all companies, agencies, and financial institutions necessary, to ensure that all fraudulent activity identified is addressed and resolved.

Dedicated Certified Recovery Advocate
    • A highly qualified individual with the following credentials: FCRA, FACT Act, CITRMS Certified, and Licensed Private Investigators
    • A single point of contact for you during the recovery of your identity
    • A direct phone number, email, and fax number to your dedicated recovery advocate
    • They will submit disputes on your behalf
    • Criminal investigation assistance and evidence capture
    • Creation of law enforcement grade case file
Customized Recovery Plan
    • Personalized fraud recovery plan 
    • Plans Include all fraud types: medical, financial, criminal identity theft, etc.
    • 3-Bureau Credit Reports as required by the circumstances of your case
    • Additional research with access to billions of public records
    • 12 Months of follow up to ensure resolution
Fraud Packet with Limited Power of Attorney
    • Provides essential information, resources and all the documents necessary to begin recovery
    • Allows your dedicated Recovery Advocate to work on your behalf
    • Your Recovery Advocate will contact creditors, government offices, collection agencies, and any other entity
Identity Care Account or Resource Center for your specific case.
    • allows a convenient means to track the progress of your identity theft case securely 24/7/365
    • Your Recovery Advocate can securely upload case documents to your account for you to review, print or save electronically
    • Online access to view your credit report and score
    • Online access to view your credit monitoring alerts
Credit Monitoring & Alerts
    • For the duration of your case and an additional 12 months following the resolution
    • Receive alerts on new issues which may impact your credit file
Credit Report & Score
    • Provided to you at the outset of your case to benchmark your credit file
Family Plan Benefit
    • A qualifying family participant shall mean the primary consumer’s spouse or domestic partner, the consumer’s dependents who have the same permanent address as the primary consumer, any IRS-qualified dependents, and parents (mother or father) of the consumer who have the same permanent address as the consumer, or, who are registered in a senior assisted living facility, nursing home, or hospice. Services continue to provide coverage for up to 72 months after death for all covered members 

Fully-Managed Recovery for Identity Theft is the crucial feature of any program out there.  It is the most important feature in giving you peace of mind and a place to turn.

Learn more about the other features of Identity theft monitoring here: 14 features of Identity Theft Protection Monitoring and the Most Important Feature!

Or Read about how ID Theft Increases Stress and Fatigue here. 



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