defend-id | blog

Insights & developments in Identity Protection

Behavior Can Reduce Hacker Threat

Behavior Can Reduce Hacker Threat

Consumer behavior can help reduce the hacker threat we are all facing. With education and awareness, we can not only protect ourselves but the companies we work with and for. Author (Matt Burgess) of Wired UK Magazine recommends six action items for consumers to help...

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2021’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ Tax Scams

2021’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ Tax Scams

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released 2021's 'Dirty Dozen' tax scams list.  The list comes with a warning for taxpayers, tax professionals, and financial institutions... Be on the lookout for these 12 schemes and scams! The list is broken down into 4...

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Reality…no company can prevent a breach

Reality…no company can prevent a breach company can prevent a breach!  Earlier this month I was a guest speaker at the 2021 Nebraska Credit Union League Annual Meeting & Convention. One of my talking points was about the reality of data breaches and how the final story for most data breach...

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The danger of complacency makes hackers successful at phishing and ransomware. The recent Colonial Pipeline cyberattack forced Colonial to shut down the pipeline.  The shutdown created widespread fuel shortages in 11 states and Washington, D.C.  All pointing to the...

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What is a Credit Score?

What is a Credit Score?

Most of you have heard of it, but what is a credit score? The most widely used scoring model in the United States and Canada is the FICO credit score. Developed in 1956 by a company called Fair, Isaac & Company (FICO), this model is designed to determine how...

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