“I didn’t know Agents offer Identity Theft Protection?”.. this is a statement I often hear when we tell people about identity theft protection as an employee benefit.

Most of our partner agents say that many of their clients are unsure of how they are exposed to cybersecurity losses, what cyber services are available as part of an ID theft protection program, or that they underestimate the threat.  Also indicating that they just didn’t know Identity Theft Protection was a benefit they could even offer!

If we are serious about protecting our clients and their employees we need to first understand why we as agents need to offer this service in the first place. 

The Problem Your Clients Already Face

The reality is that employees are already getting their information stolen and it is impacting employees.  We get it though, the costs of benefits seem to constantly increase, and running a business is getting more and more expensive.  BUT employers are already paying the price of identity theft due to absenteeism and lost productivity from employees who have had their identity stolen.  

*Impacts of ID Theft on Employees:  



Realities of Identity Theft – Article

The Solution you have for clients

Identity theft protection can be a simple, low-cost, high-value solution.  A solution that will protect the company and its employees from the impacts of identity fraud.  Businesses Struggle with Rising Costs of Identity Theft – Article

But what does it do for you as an agent?

Yes, all of the things listed above are great reasons alone to offer the program. But, offering identity theft protection solutions as an agent can do many things for you and your business.  

Our goal at defend-id is, yes to provide peace of mind with a place to turn for employees, but also to give you a simple solution to an ever-growing problem.   

We want to provide you with another line of business to increase retention which increases revenue and recurring revenue for more years to come.  

And we want to give you a new reason to reach out, to market your services with new clients or with clients you may have lost in the past – get your foot in the door and add other lines of business. 

“I didn’t know Agents offer Identity Theft Protection?”.. this is a statement we do not have to hear.  We, who have an opportunity to protect our clients further, can help protect our clients.  We can turn this question around, “Did you know we offer identity theft protection as an employee benefit?”  Now we are ahead of the curve, offering the best, timely products in the industry.   Let us help you get there, it is simple to get appointed and easy to enroll your groups!

Become an appointed defend-id agent today!

*ITRC’s Aftermath Report


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