defend-id | blog

Insights & developments in Identity Protection

Service Level Standards and Testimonials

Service Level Standards and Testimonials

Fully Managed Recovery is the most important pillar of what we do here at defend-id.  We take Service Level Standards and Client testimonials very seriously.  It is important to ensure that everyone we cover has peace of mind, knowing they have someone who...

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Public WiFi safe in 2022?

Public WiFi safe in 2022?

Whether working at our local coffee shop or checking sports scores on a plane, most of us use public WiFi all the time. Indeed, because public WiFi networks have become so ubiquitous, we no longer associate them with risky behavior. They’re a normal part of our daily...

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How WiFi Hacks Occur

How WiFi Hacks Occur

Imagine these scenarios and you will see how WiFi hacks occur in everyday life: You are on vacation and you open your laptop in your hotel room. You log into the public WiFi network, quickly agree to the Terms and Conditions (without reading them of course), and start...

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Avoid Ukraine Relief Scams

Avoid Ukraine Relief Scams

As we continue to see the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it is natural that we look for ways to help.  Donating money is often one of the best and easiest ways to make an impact.  Unfortunately, we need to ensure that we avoid Ukraine relief scams popping up which is...

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Hackers are coming for you in 2022

Hackers are coming for you in 2022

Two years ago I wrote an article asking the question Is Your Digital Identity Safe? Two days ago I read an Infosecurity Magazine article stating Identity Theft Will Get Worse.  It appears that Hackers are coming after you in 2022! Specific to your digital identity and...

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